Anupama Medical Training Institute
It is matter of great pleasure that a new institution is talking shape for the benefit for our students aspiring to take the health & Nursing Care the same. Anupama Medical Training Instituteis going to cater to the real need of students engaged in Professional Nursing , the practical approach for nursing practice of conducting health work would be kept in view. I think this institution provides good opportunity for all those who want to have something as career in health whether nursing or further tutor as teacher in nursing. The College also aims to giving to its students full exposure to health services while imparting nursing education in the context of task changing global scenario specialization in the field of health and nursing. I am confident that Anupama Medical Training Institute would prove to be a pioneering institution in the field of health education with nursing care.
It is gratifying to note that Anupama Medical Training Institute is being established for students aspiring to take nursing degree and start health services. We are the largest nation in population in world and naturally the nation needs competent nursing staff. The institution shall cater to the needs of students who wish to choose nursing profession as practicing health workers or for teaching the College may prove to be a pioneering institution in the field of health education with many innovative features more particularly in the knowledge of nursing care which is the greatest need in the context of fast changing global and health challenges