Last Update : 30 Mar 2023

B.Sc. Nursing

Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing or B.Sc Nursing is a 4 year professional course. In India the course is registered under and is controlled by Indian Nursing Council. This course focuses on the promotion, upholding and reinstatement of health and to the avoidance of disease. There are mainly two Bachelor programs in Nursing available in India, Basic B.Sc (4 years) and Post Basic B.Sc (2-3 year). In India one can do B.Sc Nursing as a distance course also.

Advantages or Benefits of B.Sc Nursing

As the word stands for, Nursing refers to caring the people. It is considered to be one of the noblest profession in the service industry.
The profession is ever demanding and there is a vast opening for the Nursing Graduate worldwide.
The remuneration associated with this profession is lucrative that attracts many prospective candidates.


Eligibility Criteria for B.Sc Nursing

The basic qualification required to apply for the course is plus two in science stream. The student with the subjects PCB and English with 45% mark in the certifying exam is eligible to submit an application for the program. The admission process is mainly depends on the entrance exam carried out by the respective authority. The candidates are allotted to different colleges according to their score in the entrance test.

Admission Procedure for B.Sc Nursing

The admission process is mostly rooted on the entrance exam by varies institutions/authorities in the field. There are two types of entrance exam, one which is held on a yearly basis for various programs in medical profession and another that is exclusively conducted for Nursing. The students get the admission form from the respective body and can select the interested field. According to the score in the entrance exam the colleges are allotted and the students are called for the admission process.

How to fill in B.Sc Nursing Entrance Application form

Candidates have two options for filling the application, online mode and that of online. For filling online go to the administrator website of the concerning entrance exam and fill the requirements. After that the students are required to take the print out of the completed form. This print out along with the obligatory documents and DD of specified amount are needed to be sent to the relevant exam body. For offline application the student can get the form along with the brochure from the exam body or from the designated centers and can finish the formality. One should give great attention while filling the form. You can use a pencil or pen as per the instruction. It is better to take a photocopy of the form first and then fill the necessary columns correctly and then complete the original form. This will help to avoid mistakes.

B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam Pattern

The entrance exam is of objective type with minimum of 4-5 options, mainly of 400 marks. The duration is set to be 2hrs. The students will give the OMR sheet for marking their answers. There are negative marks for each wrong answer, so the students are asked to fill only the sure answers. The questions are asked from the subjects PCB and the questions are mainly set in English.

Job Types

  • Assistant Nursing Superintendent.
  • Community Health Nurse
  • Department Supervisor
  • Deputy Director of Nursing
  • Deputy Nursing Superintendent.
  • Director of Nursing
  • Industrial Nurse.
  • Military Nurse
  • Nursing Advisor to the Government of India.
  • Nursing Superintendent
  • Nursing Supervisor.
  • Staff Nurse.
  • Teacher.
  • Ward sister